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In recent years, our practice has noticed a significant increase in referrals for balance programs. Injuries related to trips and falls are the most expensive group of injuries in Australian healthcare. This is due to both the potential severity of the injuries resulting from a fall for example, hip and wrist fractures or head injuries, in addition to the sheer number of falls that occur, especially as we get older.

Although age is something you cannot change, there are several modifiable factors that may place you at an increased risk of falling. These include:

  • Fear of falling
  • Limitations in mobility or activities of daily living (ADL’s)
  • Impaired gait patterns
  • Visual impairment
  • Reduced muscle strength in the lower limbs
  • Poor reaction times

The best way to prevent the health consequences that can result from a serious fall is to maintain a functional level of balance and foundational strength. Not only will this reduce your risk of falling, but it will help to reduce your risk of injury, if and when a fall happens. To facilitate rehabilitation in this area, our team of health professionals can assess your falls risk using standardised outcome measures and develop an appropriate balance program to address this issue, ensuring that you leave with the confidence to perform your everyday activities in a safe manner.

Click here to get in contact with our friendly team about how we can assist you to improve your balance!
