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Chris Duffy

Chris Duffy graduated from the University of Queensland in 1983, and after working in a hospital and private practice, established the Toormina Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic in 1985. Over this time, Chris has developed wide ranging experience but has particular interest in sporting injuries, orthopaedic surgery rehabilitation, neck and back pain. Additionally, Chris has undertaken further study in Gerontology and is enthusiastic about helping to keep aging bodies active (including his own!).

Chris’s interests include rugby, cricket, horse-riding and bushwalking. Chris has been involved as physiotherapist for many sporting teams over the years, including 10 years as physiotherapist for NSW Country Rugby Union, touring all over Australia and New Zealand with the team. He is currently team physio for the mighty SCU Marlins Rugby Union and plays on Toormina Physios Oztag team.